
The powerful presence of the food industry on the international stage


News Code: 00386; Susan Nematizad



The strong presence of the food industry in Gulf Dubai 2025 indicates the domestic consumer's trust in domestically produced goods and a strong presence on the international stage
Dr. Mohammad Hossein Azizi, Advisor to the Deputy General of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade; Full Professor at Tarbiat Modares University and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Food Science and Industry Association in a conversation with the organizers of the first Iranian Food Industry Trade Development Conference;
Helding the conference in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) will pave the way for expanding cooperation with other countries.
He considered the holding of this conference to be auspicious events in the not-so-distant future, considering the potential of Dubai for the presence of all food industry export partners.
Dr. Azizi, a familiar face in the public and private sectors, continued the interview by pointing out the following points:
- Holding the conference will pave the way for the promotion of many small and medium-sized companies
- ⁠Higher exports will boost production and generate wealth for the country
- ⁠Completing the empty capacity of factories with an increase in the volume of exports
- ⁠Increased employment rates domestically
- He considered the most important challenge in exports to be the lack of transportation infrastructure; in addition to the currency problems that make money transfers difficult, he called for the cooperation of the public sector and interaction with the target countries of Iran's export goods.
Also, regarding transportation and logistics, providing capital was his proposed solution, which
continued to use the physical capital and financial capacity of the private sector located in Iran and abroad alongside the public sector, which may have an impact on advancing this issue.
Dr. Azizi considered the current conditions regarding domestic laws and regulations for exports to be relatively favorable compared to previous years, including valuation and tariffs.
This public and private sector activist, who has complete control over the infrastructure and challenges governing the food industry, said regarding health standards and the import of goods to target countries: Each country has its own standards, although all standards are derived from international standards; but some countries have localized the standards and are more strict, including Russia and obtaining an IR code for the import of protein meat products. Some countries also have lenient standards; as a result, companies need to study the standard regulations carefully and send the goods to customs accordingly so as not to be caught in future challenges. He announced the cooperation of the Food and Drug Administration in implementing the standards; as a result, since the goal is to export and gain wealth domestically, they use foreign standards as the criterion for action; sometimes there is an overlap of internal standards between the Food and Drug Administration and the Veterinary Administration, which has also been resolved and reached an understanding and will be resolved in the near future. In this regard, he considered the interaction of the private and government sectors to be very helpful in holding meetings with export officials and company insiders with relevant authorities.
Continuing the discussions with this activist and expert; he considered foreign exchange problems and the conditions governing imports to be the main challenges of the food industry;
Payment to foreign traders and the delay in allocating foreign exchange by the Central Bank
Fluctuations in exchange rates
These days, the food industry is facing.
Importing raw materials such as oil, additives, some packaging items
And materials that domestic production does not meet the industry's needs in sufficient quantities
Has created many problems, therefore, the problems of import must first be resolved so that domestic producers have the ability and interest in exporting
He continued by considering the quality of raw materials, whether foreign or domestic, as the basis for producing desirable goods in the world trade arena, and discussed the important role of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad in encouraging and training domestic producers to produce quality goods.
Dr. Azizi also made significant points about issues and problems related to customs, clearance, capacity of warehouses and refrigerated containers, etc.:
He also considered sampling problems to be major obstacles for producers.
In the end, he wished success to all those involved in this conference and called for the reception and continuation of this process, as it will pave the way for the introduction and presence of Iranian goods and cooperation between the private and public sectors in the field of global trade.

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